SB 201 Modifies the state's requirements to reimburse counties for certain costs related to imprisonment and electronic monitoring for criminal offenders
Sponsor: Dixon
LR Number: 1195S.02P Fiscal Notes
Committee: Judiciary and Civil and Criminal Jurisprudence
Last Action: 5/15/2015 - S Formal Calendar S Bills for Third Reading--SS for SB 201-Dixon (In Fiscal Oversight) Journal Page:
Title: SS SB 201 Calendar Position:
Effective Date: August 28, 2015

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Current Bill Summary

SS/SB 201 - Under current law, the state must reimburse counties for the cost of imprisoning a criminal offender who is eventually sentenced to the Department of Corrections for the time the offender spent in the county jail. This act provides that, for those charged with felony offenses, the state must reimburse counties at a rate of half the cost currently being reimbursed to counties by the state beginning on the date felony charges are filed against the prisoner by the county prosecutor, and at a rate of 100 percent of expenses after the offender is convicted of the felony charge, regardless of whether the offender is sentenced to imprisonment in the Department of Corrections, to the county jail, or only sentenced to pay a fine. In addition, the state must pay 100 percent of the costs of the electronic monitoring of felony offenders.

This act specifies that, if the defendant is sentenced to imprisonment or to pay a fine or both for a violation of a county ordinance or misdemeanor offense and cannot pay the costs, the county must pay the costs and may seek reimbursement from the defendant.

This act is similar to provisions contained in SCS/HB 218 (2015).