SB 107 Authorizes certain boards and commissions under the Division of Professional Registration to issue opinions for educational purposes and modifies laws relating to speech-language pathologists and audiologists
Sponsor: Sater
LR Number: 0642S.03T Fiscal Notes
Committee: Financial and Governmental Organizations and Elections
Last Action: 7/14/2015 - Signed by Governor Journal Page:
Title: SCS SB 107 Calendar Position:
Effective Date: August 28, 2015
House Handler: Burlison

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Current Bill Summary

SCS/SB 107 - This act provides that certain professional boards and commissions, as specified in the act, which license professions may issue oral or written opinions addressing topics relating to the qualifications, functions, or duties of any profession licensed by such board or commission. The opinions are for educational purposes, are not binding on the licensee, and cannot be used as the basis for discipline against a licensee. A board or commission shall not address topics relating to the qualifications, functions, or duties of any profession licensed by a different board or commission.

This provision is similar to HCS/HB 422 (2015) and HCS/SS/SB 58 (2015), and identical to provisions contained in SCS/HCS/HB 709 (2015), HCS/SB 392 (2015), HCS/SS/SB 457 (2015), and HCS/SCS/SB 146 (2015).

The act also modifies provisions of law relating to the licensing of speech-language pathologists and audiologists.

The act provides that a speech-language pathology assistant must work under the direction of a speech-language pathologist who has been practicing for at least one year and is licensed by the state, employed by a federal agency, or licensed by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

An applicant for registration with the Board as a speech-language pathology assistant must submit to the Board supervising speech-language pathologist information if employment is confirmed, and if not then such information must be provided after registration. An applicant must complete bachelor's level course work and clinical requirements in the field of speech-language pathology as established by the Board through rules and regulations.

The act repeals the requirement that a corporation engaged in the business of speech-language pathology or audiology who employs licensed persons must file a statement with the Board specifying that the corporation submits itself to the rules and regulations of the Board.

Current licensing requirements do not apply to a person who holds a valid certificate as a speech-language pathologist issued by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. This act states that licensing requirements shall not apply to such persons who hold a current certificate issued by the Department prior to January 1, 2016. Licensing requirements shall also not apply to a person completing the required number of clinical hours required to obtain registration as a speech-language pathology assistant as long as the person is under the direct supervision of a licensed speech-language pathologist and has not completed more than the number of hours required.

The act repeals provisions of law which require an applicant for licensure as a speech-language pathologist or audiologist to present written evidence of completion of a clinical fellowship.

This act states that following administrative hearing proceedings and a finding that grounds for disciplinary action have been met the Board may restrict or limit the person's ability to practice for an indefinite period of time.

The act also states that no person who has served as a member of the Advisory Commission for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologist for two consecutive terms may be reappointed until a lapse of a least two years has occurred following the completion of the persons two consecutive terms.

These provisions are identical to provisions contained in HCS/SCS/SB 146 (2015) and similar to HB 288 (2015) and SB 885 (2014).