SB 327
Modifies provisions relating to electronic monitoring of criminal defendants and DWI courts
LR Number:
Last Action:
7/3/2013 - Signed by Governor
Journal Page:
CCS SB 327
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2013
House Handler:

Current Bill Summary

CCS/SB 327 - This act modifies provisions regarding DWI courts and electronic monitoring of criminal offenders.

ELECTRONIC MONITORING - Sections 544.455 & 557.011

Under current law, a judge may release a person charged with a crime pending trial and place the person on house arrest with electronic monitoring if the person can afford the costs of the monitoring. A judge can also order that a person convicted of a crime and placed on probation be placed on house arrest with electronic monitoring if the person can afford the costs of the monitoring.

This act provides that, in either of the above scenarios, a person may be placed on electronic monitoring if the person can afford the costs or the county commission agrees to pay the costs of the monitoring from its general revenue.

These provisions are identical to provisions of the truly agreed to and finally passed CCS/SS/SCS/HCS/HBs 374 and 434 (2013) and the truly agreed to and finally passed SS/SCS/HCS/HB 215 (2013).

DWI COURT - Section 478.007

The act allows the DWI court to use a private probation service when the Division of Probation and Parole is unavailable to assist in the supervision of a person who wishes to enter a DWI court. A person cannot be rejected from participating in the DWI court for not residing in the city or county where the DWI court is located.

