SB 474
Requires the Department of Social Services to take steps to mandate the use of photo identification for the food stamp program
LR Number:
Last Action:
5/18/2012 - S Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection--SB 474-Kraus, with SCS & SA 1 (pending)
Journal Page:
SCS SB 474
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2012

Current Bill Summary

SCS/SB 474 – This act requires the Department of Social Services to seek a waiver from the federal government to mandate the use of photo identification for continued eligibility in the food stamp program administered in Missouri. Upon one year after approval by the federal government, the department shall issue a photo identification card to each eligible household member who is sixteen years of age or older. Upon request, a household member, or the household's authorized representative, shall present the photo identification card at issuance points, retail food stores, or meal services when exchanging benefits for eligible food.

The department shall promulgate rules necessary to implement the provisions of this act and shall ensure compliance with federal law, taking into account individuals and households with special needs as well as ensuring that all appropriate household members or authorized representatives are able to access benefits from the account as necessary.

