HB 2020 Appropriates money for supplemental purposes for the several departments and offices of state government,for the purchase of equipment,planning,expenses for the fiscal period ending 5-30-2008

     Handler: Nodler

Current Bill Summary

- Prepared by Senate Research -

	SS/SCS/HB 2020 - Supplemental Appropriations - Capital Improvements

.          Governor                     House

GR        $ 6,726,384               $ 5,586,384 
FEDERAL     6,050,001                 6,050,001  
OTHER       6,819,190                 4,759,190  
.        ____________               ____________
TOTAL     $19,595,575               $16,395,575 

.          Senate                       Final
GR        $ 5,286,384               $ 5,286,384  
FEDERAL     6,050,001                 6,050,001 
OTHER       5,220,190                 5,220,190
.       ____________                ____________
TOTAL     $16,556,575               $16,556,575 

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