SB 341
Prohibits vessels from displaying spotlights that hinder the night vision of other vessel operators, requires vessels to be operated at slow no-wake speed within 100 feet of emergency vessels and defines the term "skiing" for purposes of watercraft law
LR Number:
Last Action:
5/18/2007 - S Informal Calendar S Bills for Perfection
Journal Page:
SCS SB 341
Calendar Position:
Effective Date:
August 28, 2007

Current Bill Summary

SCS/SB 341 - This act modifies the definition of the term "Waters of this state" to include waterways. The modification of the definition attempts to make the watercraft laws generally applicable to all types of bodies of water within this state.

The act provides a definition for the term "skiing."

The act prohibits vessels from continuously displaying spotlights, docking lights, or other non-prescribed lights that hinder the night vision of other vessel operators.

The act prohibits vessels from being operated at a speed in excess of slow-no wake speed (idle speed) within 100 feet of any emergency vessel displaying its emergency lights.

The act prohibits persons from operating a vessel in such a manner as to impede the normal flow of traffic on the waters of this state. Currently, this prohibition only applies to vessel operators on lakes.

This act is substantially similar to SB 1036 (2006).

