
SB 415 - This act pertains to water and sewer companies.

The act modifies Section 393.015, RSMo, to allow sewer corporations to contract only with water corporations to terminate water services over delinquent accounts; this is a change from the current law which provides that opportunity to water corporations, municipalities or public water supply districts.

New language provides the opportunity for municipality providing water or any water district to request to contract with a sewer district to terminate water services to any user with a delinquent account. No liability shall be borne by any water provider, or contractor acting for the water provider, for damages related to the termination of water service. The exception that is of course, if the damage caused is due to negligence on the part of the water provider, or their contractor.

If an agreement cannot be arranged within six months of a request, the sewer provider may file a request with the circuit court to have three commissioners draft such an agreement. The provisions of the agreement are laid out in the act.

Both the water and sewer provider shall be allowed to present evidence pertaining to the agreement in question, provided written notice is given fifteen days prior to the hearing. The decision by the commissioners shall be handed down - if it is approved, the order to become effective shall take place sixty days after the date of such judgement; if it is not approved, the court shall provide the opportunity for the commissioners to change the agreement and resubmit it to the court for review. All judgements by the court are subject to appeal.


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