SB 1241 Allows persons to receive various specialized license plates and limits certain organizations from sponsoring plates
Sponsor:Coleman Co-Sponsor(s)
LR Number:4724S.02T Fiscal Note:4724-02
Last Action:07/12/02 - Signed by Governor Journal page:
Title:SCS SBs 1241, 1253 & 1189
Effective Date:August 28, 2002
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Current Bill Summary

SCS/SBs 1241, 1253 & 1189 - This act allows persons to receive "Breast Cancer Awareness" license plates after making an annual $25 contribution to the Friends of the Missouri Women's Council. The contribution may be only used for breast cancer services. In addition to the $25 contribution, the person must pay $15 plus regular registration fees. No additional fee shall be assessed for the personalization of such plates.

This act also allows persons to receive "Delta Sigma Theta" or "Omega Psi Phi" Greek organization license plates after making an annual $25 contribution to those organizations. In addition to the $25 contribution, the person must pay $15 plus regular registration fees. No additional fee shall be assessed for the personalization of such plates.

This act allows members of the Kingdom of Calontir and the Missouri Civil War Reenactors Association to receive special license plates. To obtain the plate, a person must get a use authorization statement ($25 contribution) from the respective organizations and present the statement to the Department of Revenue at the time of registration along with a $15 fee in addition to the registration fee and other documents required by law. Revenue collected from authorization contributions, minus any reasonable administrative cost, will be used solely for the purposes of the respective organizations. This portion of the act is similar to HB 1778 (2002).

This act prohibits the Director of the Department of Revenue from issuing specialized license plates for sponsoring organizations which raise revenues from the use of their emblems on such plates unless the organization is a governmental entity or a not-for-profit organization. Current organizations shall have until January 1, 2004, to comply with the provisions of this section. The Director shall require such organizations to verify their eligibility status. This provision is similar to (but not identical to) one contained in SCS/SB 1241 et al (2002).